Friday, September 14, 2007

simple like ice-cream

Cannot help it. I need to brag.

Need to tell that I recently went to Katie Noonan and Tori Amos gig.

Such different performers, both eccentric, both profoundly moved me.

Watching them perform I seemed to twist and flutter.

They were so rich and passionate and I was so small in the room.

So good that I didnt spend the last half hour of the performance

wondering what the performers had for dinner.

So good that I left the theater buzzing,

wanting to think about it, talk about it, write about it.

Although as always, when I am overwhelmed by something,

I tend to shut down, shift into freestyle mode and

nothing gets done properly.

So envious of them, passionate people, in general.

Not so proud of admitting this, but Ive never considered myself

a person who is passionate or proactive.

I just like things. And really really really like things.

But I still dont know what I exactly love doing.

I give up on them easily.

It is a loaded word, passion.

I wish it was simple.

Posted by nidya at Friday, September 14, 2007

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Friday, September 07, 2007

the build-up

I like September.

After September days weeks and months usually fly.

And the next day i wake up is usually New Year.

Not because nothing matters after September. Or before.

It is all about the build-up.

You can see the tail of holidays ahead

and your heart starts singing.

And September means Spring in Melbourne.

A liberating season to many people,

Scandinavians in particular,

according to Jenny K. Blake:

(warning: there are boobies)

Happy Spring everyone!

Posted by nidya at Friday, September 07, 2007

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