Thursday, June 07, 2007

the politics of food

so fascinating and thought-provoking.

photos of 15 families from around the world,

and what they eat during the course of a week.

So worth checking out.

Japan: so much msg on so little table.

USA: it is not ADHD, parents..

Ecuador: is it the food or the smiles that make the photo so colourful?

mm.. bet the book would be a great conversation starter.

Posted by nidya at Thursday, June 07, 2007

keren banget nid!! gw paling suka foto ecuador, ntah knp. seems more real? hehe ntah deh.
lucu USA, fast food nation banget! mexico juga, kemakan corporate america. minumannya berjejer coca cola! =D kok indonesia gak ada ya? hehe. lucu juga kali ya klo makanan qta di jejer2.. kyk apa ya nid? ;)
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